It was not the first time creatures of myth had appeared though, nearly 10 years prior the first dragon had awoken in Germany, and instead of burning down sleepy and idyllic villages, it decided to enter the corporate world. This event, known as the Goblinization, spread fear and confusion across the world, and was the birth of what would be known as orcs and trolls.
A full 10% of the world’s population suddenly, and without warning, started changing, growing in size, growing tusks and becoming larger and more muscular. Starting in April of 2021 something weird happened. Heck, most groups of runners won’t even know who the person hiring them really is, or who they represent.

But it’s a risky job, and if something goes wrong no employer is going to admit to having hired a group of Shadowrunners (or deniable assets, as they prefer to call them). And a skilled shadowrunner can make a lot of Nuyen (¥) doing other people’s dirtywork. Be it industrial espionage, sabotage, kidnapping or any other task of that nature. Shadowrunners are basically mercenaries, living in the seedy underbellies of the cities, taking on the kind of jobs that no upstanding citizen would want to risk doing. For the megacorporations, or anyone with a bit of money to spend, Shadowrunners are a great asset, as they can perform the kind of tasks that anyone in a position of power can’t without drawing attention to themselves. Many people have found a lucrative alternative profession: Shadowrunning. It’s a world of great inequality, where if you were born into power stay in power, and everyone else will have to trudge along at the bottom.īut being at the bottom does not mean that you live a life without opportunities. Their wealth and influence means that their only real enemies are each other, with the common people and the governments of the world living in their shadows. It’s the distant year of 2060, and megacorporations are the real powers in the world (it’s such a different reality from our own, eh?). As has the aggressively late 80’s fashion sense. By the 3rd edition the setting has become a bit more cohesive and some of the goofiest elements have been toned down. Shadowrun has a setting that contains a bit of everything, and the first edition sometimes felt like a bunch of friends had written a setting together where they just threw in anything they thought was cool (this is not too dissimilar to the first edition of Warhammer 40,000). Gibson-esque cyberpunk, kitchen sink fantasy ala D&D, new age mysticism, an 80’s pop culture understanding of native American shamanism, a veneration of feudal Japanese culture and pop culture view of voodoo, what do you get if you just throw all of this into a blender? A real mess of disparate ideas, that should not work together, and of course also Shadowrun. This is a review for the third edition of the game, an edition that’s long out of print, but which is still sold at DrivethruRPG, and which is still, by some, considered the best edition of Shadowrun to date.
Shadowrun is a classic RPG series that saw its first release back in 1989, and which has been going strong ever since, with the latest edition, the 6th one, being released in 2019.